Lcd Monitor Stand

Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand

Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand

Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand
Any other parts/power adapters or accessories that are NOT shown in the pictures are NOT included! Excellent - Minor surface blemishes that can be seen, but not felt. Good - Small Scratches, minor scuffing. Fair - Medium scratches, scuffing or denting; Damaged or missing small plastic trim panels. As-Is - Major scratches, dents, discoloration or cracks; Broken off or missing panels. Appointment is required for local picking up customers. We sell all types of electronics such as switches, servers, desktops, laptops, monitors, workstations, tablets, and chrome-book, all in one, and ink cartridges. We also sell spare parts processors, memories, hard drives, graphic cards, or barebones. Each package will be handled very well, safety is our primary responsibility. Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it.

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Panasonic BT-LH1700WP LCD Monitor with Stand